Weird websites

Weird Websites – 21 and a half of the best

We’d like to think that Weird World Wire as one of the many weird websites, I mean it is the name and all, but when it comes getting truly freaky deaky dutch, there are websites out there that we cannot even vaguely compete with.

We’ve therefore gone to the effort to sit in our underpants drinking beer and scouring the web for the weirdest of weird websites out there, all so you don’t have to.

Weird Websites – 21 and half of the best

Weird Website 1 EeelSlap

Do you like watching people getting slapped? I mean really who doesn’t enjoy watching people getting slapped right? This website is a a guy not only getting slapped, but getting slapped by an eel. Surely proof that people really do have far too much time on their hands.

Weird Website 2 We Rate Any Poo .

If you are as old as us you will remember the early days of the internet and a website called rate my poo. The concept was as simply as it was genius, you posted pictures of your poo and people rated it. There was no cash award, just the pride of poop.

Weird Websites
A Texan

You can read about Rate My Poo here .

We digress, We Rate Any Poo claim to want to be a poo rating site, but as of now all they have is a great logo and a theme tune. Like they went into the effort to make a jingle for this website. What is wrong with people?

Weird Website 3 Is it Christmas Yet?

Honestly one of my favorite websites, although I liked the Is Maggie Thatcher Dead website even more. Here is the base concept to this! You go on the website, if it is not Christmas the site says no. If though it is indeed Christmas then the site will say yes. Helpful, informative and much like Santa himself gives one guy one job a year to do.

11 Weird Wars That Are Downright Ridiculous

Weird Website 4 Podopheleus

We’ve included this one even though Mr Podopheleus has written the odd article for us. Basically podophelia, not be confused with pedophelia means you have a foot fetish. This website not only deals with worshiping of sweaty feet, but also the fun subjects such as getting pegged by a dominatrix. Not for the faint hearted, or the tight arsed out there.

strangest sexual fetishes

Weird Website 4 Sheppey Scum

Sadly this website no longer technically exists, being mere landing page that links to Chernobyl tours, but back in the day this was the original spoof town website. Sheppey is an island in the UK that is a notorious shit-hole full of chavs and this website went out to celebrate them in all their glory. Many people were offended by this, which makes us weird website happy.

Weird website 5 – Glory Hole In

Did you know that due to coronavirus glory holes have been recommended as a safer form of sex?

Weird Websites

You can read about that here .

If you are unaware of what a glory hole is then we have just one suggestion, if you are in a toilet and see a hole in the cubicle wall shout “hello” through it, or perhaps “I’m hungry” and then open your mouth and leave it next to said hole. Long story short this weird website tells you where to find glory holes.

Weird website 6 – Dogging on the Isle of Wight

If you are unclear about what dogging is then you should read this link . Essentially it involves group sex in carparks, or wooded areas where people might take their dogs for a walk. The patron saint of dogging in the UK is Sir Stanley Collymore.

A Depressing Guide to Isle of Wight Dogging

Well it turns out that the dogging scene on the Isle of Wight is frankly awful, but this website still provides a guide to potential places for group outdoor cold sex jollies.

Weird Website 7  Urban Dictionary

Truly madly deeply one of the best websites ever made. You know when you hear terms like tea-bagging, wolf-bagging and the Dirty Sanchez? Well this racking website tells you the meaning of all these weird sexual terms and much more. Think of it as a thesaurus for people with no class or shame.

Weird Website 8 The Viz

This was the original funny comic book from the UK, like the Beano for adults, including cult classics such as the “Fat Slags” and “Billy the Fish”. One often best parts and much like urban dictionary is the profansouras, a place where one gets introduced to new swear words.

Today I learnt the term “Danger Wank”, which is where you start wanking and then shout to your parents downstairs, the aim being to cum before they get to your room. Education is still so very important, particularly during lockdown.

Weird Website 9 Angelfire Micronations

Back in the day getting hosting and your own website was hard work, so people used a site called Angelfire to build free sites. Mostly they have gone the way of the Dodo, but this one still exists. It is the quintessential guide to all things micronations. It does not get much weirder than cats siting in their rooms making up countries and calling themselves a Prince.

Weird Websites

Weird Websites 10 – Dominion of Melchizedek

Another one that follows on perfectly from the last. This was a micro nation formed by a bunch of fraudsters who were issuing bank licenses and all kinds of crazy shit like passports, hat’s off to their ingenuity and all that!

Apparently their passport was recognized by the Central African Republic, which led to the famous quote “You get the impression they would recognize the state of denial if it had a letterhead”. Definitely not an actual country.

Weird Website 11 – Feetpics

Make no mistake men are scum and they have a lot of weird ways to get their jollies, as previously mentioned many people are into feet and it turns out dudes will pay a lot of money to jerk off to feet pictures. This website provides a marketplace for people selling their feet pictures. Not only a weird website, but also a potential way to earn extra cash.

Weird website 12 – Sickopedia

If you are woke then avoid this website like the plague, this its the place for really offensive jokes. I used to follow them on Twitter, that is how good they are. Joke of the day?

I went for a pedicure – didn’t work I still like kids

You truly cannot beat class…….

Weird Website 13 – Chatturbate

We should really have an affiliate link for this one as men really spending money on girls doing stuff. The word is a portmanteau of chat and masturbate, with people all over the globe chatting and down stuff so that people can jack-off. Thanks to coronavirus literally everyone is at it now, and more word do you see some horror shows on here, or so I have been told.

Weird Websites 14 – Jizzus Christ

Apparently this one derives from some kind of meme and while the site is on coming soon mode now, it was for a time one of the funnier websites on the weird world web. Basically it was bloopers for PornHub. A few favorites being an ATM moment that went rather wrong and involved poop on face to a man managing to “shoot himself in the eye”. Classic.

Weird Websites 15 – Hot girls Eating

We are trying to go down too much of a kink rabbit hole here, but again apparently men get off on watching girls eat, I guess it is important to have a hobby. On this site they basically have a feed for videos of hot girls eating food, very Korean heavy, with Koreans being not only hot, but eating good food.

Weird Website 16 – Lets Buy An Island .

Weird, but actually also kinda cool. A bunch of people decided to crowd fun buying an island, which they managed to do in the caribbean which they now run as a pretend country. Essentially pretty much the worlds coolest time-share. Your slice of the pie costs a mere $3,250.

Weird Websites

Weird Website 17 – Democratic Kampuchea

In case you need a quick history lesson Democratic Kampuchea was the state founded by great man of the people Pol Pot.

Weird Websites
+MAGS OUT+, ONE TIME USE ONLY, NO ARCHIVES, ++ SWEDEN OUT, DAILY MAIL AND SUNDAY TIMES OUT ++ Notorious Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot is assisted by soldiers as he arrives to attend his trial 25 July during which he was denounced by former comrades at the Khmer Rouge stronghold of Anlong Veng in northern Cambodia. The veteran revolutionary and three of his top commanders were “tried” and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of former Khmer Rouge defence minister Son Sen and his family. AFP PHOTO Copyright-1997 Nate THAYER/Tom KELLER & Associates +MAGS OUT+, ONE TIME USE ONLY, NO ARCHIVES ++ SWEDEN OUT – DAILY MAIL & SUNDAY TIMES OUT ++

You can read more about Pol Pot here

The state only lasted three and a half years, but they managed to kill 1/3 of the population. This site celebrates everything great about this might killing machine!!!!

Weird Websites 18 – Fox News

Really, I mean does this one need any explanation at all?

Weird Websites 19 Pointer Pointer

Proof that clever people who can make websites probably have too much time on their hands. Load up this site, we dare you. You then move your house anywhere on the screen and someone will point at you. You can literally spend minutes on this site without getting bored.

Weird Website 20 – The Useless Web

Great website, great idea, and great concept. A directory of shit pointless websites, you click a link and then you get taken to a random shit website. Many them ae also weird, so as they say in the UK, like banging tow birds with one Johnny.

Weird Website 21- Young Pioneer Tours

For most normal folks out there a holiday involves sun, sand and potentially coitus if you are lucky. Not for these cats, they view holidays as being trips to fun loving Afghanistan, Iraq, Chernobyl and even unclaimed arse pits of the Sudanese desert. Why not?


And of course for the extra bonus round, us here at Weird World Wire – we hope our least of weird websites keeps you entertained for a whole afternoon!

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