Manwhores found not guilty in wrong address BDSM fiasco

The current COVID-19 pandemic is hitting some people financially much harder
than others, as can be witnessed from the following fiasco with these unlucky manwhores.

Last week a judge in New South Wales Australia cleared Terrance Leroy of charges
stemming from an incident that happened last July.

Terrance and an accomplice were recruited on Facebook to break into a clients
house, threaten him with a machete and tie him up before before tickling him on his
under crackers with the handle of a broom. I mean we’ve all been there right?

Terrance was duly given the address and with his pal, set off to get their client off.
If said tickling was to go well then he was to be paid the princely sum of 5 grand
for the operation. Not bad money at all when you look at things.

Sadly this is where things went a bit wrong. The manwhores had broken into the
wrong address and appeared at the bedside of their unsuspecting victim whilst
holding machetes. What followed could have only happened in Australia as when
the mistake had been realized they shook the unsuspecting fellows hand and said

They then proceeded to the correct house only to have the police eventually turn up
and arrest them after finding the machetes in their car.

What could have ended up sending the manwhores to jail ended up a story with a
happy ending after Leroy’s attorney successfully argued his case.

As he put it, the problem occurred after “a commercial agreement to tie-up and
stroke a semi-naked man in his underpants with a broom had gone wrong”. The
judge agreed, common sense duly prevailed and people with slightly bizarre sexual
fetishes were allowed to go about their days in peace and hopefully quiet.

Thank god it hadn’t been Texas…..

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